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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  November 4, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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great night, we'll see you right back here tomorrow. lou: for millions of americans tonight is election eve, as such goes, tomorrow's elections are being styled as a referendum on obamacare. and administration that has been dishonest with americans, the biggest problem for the president, is that millions of americans are learning first hand. dimensions of that dishonesty, i am lou dobbs. >> good evening we're just hours away tonight from polls opening across the country. residents of some of the nation's big of cities are set to choose their next may irs,
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es or -- mayors and gubernatorial's elections in a few states. bill deblasio could be first registered democrat to be elected new york city mayor in two decades, union cash, floods boston mayor race as pro labor martin walsh trying to fend off john conley, a diagramcrat pushe -- democrat pushed by republicans for his small government views, mayoral race coming down to the wire in detroit. chris christie looking to cruise to reelect in new jersey. in virginia. republican candidates, cuch nelly closing the gap on his democratic opponent, and terry
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mcauliffe. with a number of other polls tightening, quoting the race, within the reach of the state's current attorney general, fox news chief political correspondent, carl cameron with our report. >> reporter: hoping for a last minute sunk in a low turn out race. ken cuccinellirli brought out sr power. >> person running for governor on democratic side, not only supporting obamacare, he thinks it does not go far enough in direction of government control. >> fight back against the president and obamacare, and do it with our votes tomorrow here in virginia, tomorrow is our day, folks, tomorrow is our day.
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>> reporter: latest shows terry mcauliffe leading by 6 points, it has he libertarian candidat sarvis with 8%, cuccinelliamong i, along ron paul tonight. >> vice president joy biden hit the trail with mcauliffe this morning. he has attacked women's healthcare access, social security you paid into. and scientific research, everything they talk about. without eageration, is about turning back what the rest the country and the world think its
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progress. >> over the week president obama of at mcauliffe's side as well. >> nothing makes me more nervous than when my supporters feel too confident, i want to put the fear of god in all of you. virginia has been a swing state. and this racing be close. because past races in virginia have always been close. >> reporter: this time, each side is focused on what they like least about the other. lou. lou: carl thank you. >> be sure to join us for a "lou dobbs tonight" special report, we'll be live at 10:00 eastern tomorrow evening, final results, president obama tonight joining liberal proponents of health care speaking at a rally of supporters in his reelect campaign, and so-called working
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dinner with top donors of obama army, organizing for action, starting tomorrow president, desperate to change the subject again from the obamacare disaster, hits the road, trying to create a blinding pivot from the disaster to all sorts of what he hopes will be mood altering or consciousness numbing subjects with a call for immigration regarment, and a healthy scare -- reform, in health care speech in texas, and talking about the economy on friday. in case anyone thought we were falling for that pivot thing, issue is, and remains obamacare. and the administration's ina bum to manage it or seemingly much of anything else, the know-nothing administration claims ignorance on the technology problems.
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your doctor too. obamacare joining a long list of administration scandals that are far from phony, of which president claims no awareness from "fast and furious," to 200 dead mexican citizens and one border patrol age brian terry to 4 dead americans in benghazi, to irs targets of conservatives, nsa spying justice department of journalists, now more than a month after its launch, obamacare train wreck has torn asunder the administration's diminishing credibility, fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry with the report. >> reporter: another week kicks off with new questions about the white house's credibility about the botched roll out of probe's healthy care law, as a former tom aid acknowledged there was a disagreement in the white house over whether the president should vow that people be keep their health plans, a promise
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that robert gibbs now says of a mistake. >> i don't recall significant discussions surrounding the verbage on this. >> you agree it was a wrong move? >> certainly. >> reporter: at the white house, gibbs sector carney had not even act accounted there was a debate as top white house advisers and allies continue to come up with new ways to insist this the president is not wrong. if you have a plan -- >> a blame game for insurance industry. >> insurance companies do not like the individual market as it constructed. they see the future. let me finish. insurance companies are making that choice not the president. >> reporter: republican darrell issa released more with notes, that
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paper application allow people to let people feel like in a are moving forward in the process, at the end of the day we're all stuck in the same queue. raising questioning that president raised. >> once you get on the phone with a trained representative it usually takes about 25 minutes for an individual to apply for coverage. >> reporter: questions drawing a sasarcastic response from carne. >> john, i get it. >> reporter: the president said you could apply within 25 minutes that is not true. >> the work you do -- everyone is looking there is a reason to be quiz qual, you call up, you give our information you get questions answered you need, then, they takeover from there. >> reporter: harvard professor, former white house consultant david culer confirms to -- cutlr confirms to fox he made a memo 3
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years, telling administration they had to make drastic changes, saying they had the biggest start up in the world, and they had nobody when had run a start up or a business. >> i'm calling on the president now to say, let's have a time out on this, mr. president, you call a time out on this. >> reporter: we asked an insurance iustry group, for reaction to what white house allies said on sunday shows, they directed to us their web site, that said main reason why some policies are not grandfathered consumer bought new coverage after the law was inacted, they are trying to follow the new regulations. lou: seemingly everyone has an answer in washington, ed henry thank you. >> concerns that medicaid enrollment is outpacing request for private insurance under obamacare in kentucky for
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example, 82% of 26,000 people, chose medicaid not obamacare, medicaid, a free government program without premiums, in washington state, 55% chose medicaid, and minnesota 66% those medicate. and those are just figures from some states running their over successful insurance web site, 36 states with federal insurance ex change web site were suppose to begin receiving medicate application on november 1, but that has been delayed indefinitely because of those technological problem with, we're coming right back. lou: obamacare, bait-and-switch even some of president's men now admit it was the wrong. >> congresswoman diane black on what the obamacare train wreck what the obamacare train wreck means to patients all over the
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lou: white house advisor dan pfeifer under fire for what critic call a incentive response to a woman suffering from stage 5 gallbladder cancer, saying she was kicked off of her churns insurance because of obamacare, he said quote, real reason they lost her insurance, pfeifer tweet linked to i think progress piece putting the responsibility on her insurance company. mead less to say, it sparked a lot of outrage. >> our first guest saying this
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last minute cell a insul to our intelligence. great to have you with us, we start with this analogue from op set piece, that woman right. my choice is get coverage. through the government healthy exchange. and lose access to my cancer doctors, or pay much more for insurance outside of the exchange, quotes average 40 to 50% more for privilege of starting over with a unfamiliar insurance company and impaired benefits, is that what the nation is facing? >> i am no discouraged with this administration, this goes down to the patient, the care, the
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things that are saving people's lives. it will cost her much more, this is affecting real people, this administration needs to stand up and take responsibility, for what happening in people's personal lives with their health care. lou: you mean as they can gone in which case, before this, is there any evidence that we might have that would compel to us think such pope hope is not displaced ? >> no they have not taken responsibility for anything. whether the web site, take responsibility, this is a train wreck, it was have the beginning but now we're not talking about, well the technology is wrong, or this is wrong. we're talking about real people, their lives and health care impacted by this horrible bill.
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this bill just needs to go away, we'll continue to work to try to help people to keep the kinds of coverage they deserve. lou: to your point, talking about the computer problem, technical problems, internal administration memos, reveal that phone the president talks famously about that phone number you can call, paper application, it turns out, even if you avail those yourself of those approaches, into it is on the same computer, it is just the same disaster rolling out in different forms. this is an administration that i can not think of anything that it has managed well, and the republicans, seems have an opportunity to stan up and say, this is what we're going to do, this is how it is going to affect the american people, patients like that wom woman we
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were talking about. the republicans have an opportunity to lead the big business approach over here, leave the fiscal policy issue over here that is abstract and so big, that we know there is not time to do tin teligently, why -- do it intelligently, why not reach out to working men, women and people who need those who can govern a government. >> i do that every day, i was with three different companies todayin asking them, how is this impacting you, all three of them tell me horrifying stories about increase in cost. decrease in service, we hear this over and over, and over again. this is a train wreck, we're not even talking about people's security of most personal information yet. we see that the web site went down, and hub was open, already
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a hack nearly i'm not asking about businesses, business has a one year delay. but the millions of americans, rights now, and estated to be 17 million who are going to less their individual insurance. >> we need leadership here, is the republican party going to take that opportunity, or you know you talk about small business, you talk about medium size business, business will be fine. in my opinion. >> well, but they are not fine, let me tell you why. >> i want to ask you a question, so important, i think to aren't republican party, whatture you going to do for the individual americans, working man and woman trying to make it into find their way through that train wreck? >> well you are right, we do have a bill that we have put out there, that does give people an
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opportunity and choice and bringing costs down, but back to one thing you said about businesses will make it right here in skate of tennessee -- in states of tennessee we had cover tennessee a smal small bus opportunity for small businesses having insurance. called cover tennessee, 28,000 lives were dropped off this program because of the state said we cannot continue providing this opportunity for small businesses, because of the obamacare. because they say you have to have a certain level of coverage for them to -- one day 28,000 people these are real lives. lou: 3.5 million people have been pushed out of their policies and left. could be in same situation as woman who has stage 4 gallbladder cancer. it is a tough time. and it is -- the issues are being subsumed by a stonewalling
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disfunctional administration, and a republican party that wants to talk bforgive me for saying this but this is not the time for big grand bargains on fiscal policy, by a super continentalitty, and of -- committee of which you are an important member, it time to reach out to people, i know do you this on a daily basis, but caucus has an opportunity, that i d do not sense that caulks is trying to implement. >> we have a hiv care bill -- hehuff c.a.r.e. billhuff care bg people, and their needso, we need to also talk about our debt and deficit, getting that
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straightened out will cause the economy to go. lou: if you and your caucus think have you the power as majority in house of representatives against a party that holes the presidency, and the senate, and are willing to risk shutting down this government against, i think that you will be making the biggest mistake imaginable. >> i'm not talking about closing down the government, i'm talking about. lou: somebody needs to say that in your caucus needs to take leadership roll, say we're not going to shut the government down we're not good-bye to be going to be irrational we're not going to slam some grand policy. >> lou, i'm the one that saying it i'm tel tell you you right nw we're working to find common ground with our democrats, i think saw that you last week with the first meeting we're finding ways that we can work together, we have to govern, we can't just keep stalemating and closing the government down, we
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have to govern. lou: god bless you for saying that. >> that is what we're intending to do, not grand bargain, this is taking baby stops of paying down on the debt, having a down payment to make sure our debt and deficit is taken care of that is what helps the economy to grow. lou: it raises hell with american families, working men and women, this economy. we appreciate you being here, always good to talk with you. >> always thank you, lou. lou: terrific congresswoman, and a delight to talk with. >> thank you, so much. lou: on wall street stocks finished higher, dow up 24, s&p up 6, nazdaq rose 16, shares of blackberry down more than 16%, announcing abandoned plan to
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sell the company. and sec advisors pleading guilty for insider charges. requiring, stove e steven coheno close the firm's investment advisory business. >> now week box office, enders game took the top spot. not a rousing start. last week's number one, jackass presents bad grandpa came in second place. and cbs' last vegas third. >> up next, obamacare failure pushing kob president obama clor
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to a dubious record, his poll numbers take a beating, we'll be joined by former senator scott brown next. bny mellon combines investment management & investment servicing, giving us unique insights which help us attract the industry's brightest minds who create powerful strategies for a country's investments which are used to build new schools to build more bright minds. invested in the world. bny mellon. customer erin swenson ordebut they didn't fit.line
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lou: president obama's approval numbers taking a big hit amid the disaster of the roll out of the obamacare. fallen 2 points above his all-time low. fleetof 38%. and his disapproval rating at 53%. joining us now, former senator scott brown, fox news contributor. i want to turn first to obamacare, the discussion from republicans, now about the budget, even as the president is trying to change the subject, are we witnessing the republican party against trying to accommodate him by letting him change the subject? >> our debt and deficit taxes, spending jobs, national security are important. but right now, the most
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important issue the thing on everyone's mind whether you are a large, owner, a small be owner or a individual is a health care debacle, they tried to ram it through, circumvent me, i got elected in an attempt to stop obamacare, in massachusets they had a deal with white house they held me up being sworn in for a couple of weeks to ram it through, i goty did not allow one management to try to fix -- amendment to try to fix the bill, so same on them now. they are all complaining now, we didn't know about the grandfatherring, you know people will lose policies, well, they voted on it everyone said we don't care. healthcare, and debacle right now, and fact that people deeply concerned, rightly so it will cost too much, have way too much long wait in line, it just a mess. lou: are you concerned further
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that the republicans don't seem to be fining a common voice -- finding a common voice, with an opportunity to go to 2014, and i think they have got a gift from this administration. from the democrats on capitol hill, in both houses, that should assure them, a victory in congress and senate. >> here is the issue, so they all agree they hate obamacare. what are they fighting about? who is more conservative on obamacare. who cares? bottom line, we have an issue. it is broken. we need to fix it how do you do that? first thing that president should do, is show some leadership, and actual work with congress, immediately and grab the bull by the horns, say, we'll step back for at least 6 to 9 to 12 months, and just put it on hold, we'll do a break. and you know look at it all top to bottom, and see what is
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working what is not, we need your help, congress, we need your help senate, he is not doing that, he is checking out, the blame game is unbelieveable, first of all people need to be fired. you have to get people in there who know you have to run a business or create a web site, we spent $400 million plus of our tax dollars, and gave if to a canadian company, not even a u.s. company, it is broken, you are right they need to work together, they should be united on this issue. and so should the democrats. lou: quickly. overtime here, but, do you think that president can recover from 4 years of repeated misrepresentations? misstatements, or out right dishonesty? speaking to the american people, is the matter irretrieve able? >> people will give you a break if you are honest, say i made a
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mistake,. lou: 20 times? >> they could have done it on benghazi or the irs issue, they could have done it on this, this is a problem for me, and many others. you know with president, he seems to be very resilient, 350eu78 don't carpeople don't cs they get you know, time with the president, and pushing his agenda, have you every democrat, almost every, pushing his agenda still, making things up, and making it worse, the american people need to hold everyone accountable at ballot box. >> senator scott brown, thank you. >> thank you. lou: we'll have more on the obamacare mess, the dishonesty from this administration, and how it is hitting americans next. stay with us. >> one day to election day 20 2014, we look at important races in
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virginia, new jersey and new york, and the a-team with their analysis. so ally bank has a raise your rate cd that wothat's correct.a rate. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business.
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because during the holidays, keeping your identity protected means keeping your family protected. lou: it is elect eve in a lot of places in the country. impact will be substantial. mcauliffe against ken cuccinelli. almost a miracle that the lead is not bigger. mcauliffe raised there are 34 million for the race issue 3 million from big unions, cuccinelli raised under $20 million. 400 from unions. in new jersey, governor race, a blowout, christie ahead ofby i
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don'buonobuono. but not for a lack of trying on behalf of unions. they pushed $12 million for her campaign. >> new york, this is quite something liberal democrat deblasio with 65 percent support compared to joe lota 24%. i think it clear, some people say this is one of a very serious under estimate of the voting result. joining us now the a-team, hank shinshine cop of.
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appreciate it. >> let's turn first to this race in virginia. matt with you. 6 it was 10 points, you can say -- is there a clan of an upset. >> i think that this race is trending in the right way, poor ken cuccinelli has not caught a break, and out of nowhere we were reminded obamacare was implemented creating a firestorm across the nation, including virginia, unfortunately you brought up that union money, a lot of people decided that race could not be won, and a lot of union money and other money came on behalf of mcall yo mcauliffe. lou: hank, why didn't he raise more money?
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if if is about the money? i would figure out. >> cuccinelli is governor he would hope to replace, he had a scandal. he had a problem with women's groups, because of an abortion bill, and ultrasound requirement this was intrusive seen that way by some. lou: mcauliffe, he has every scandal, investigation, and washington post, suggestions he is not worthy of the job, many ofs had columnists, how does that work out? >> we were reminded today about his electric car company, in cronyism that has always been with mcauliffe and the clintons, but if you are antagonizing women this is tough to win in a state like virginia. ken cuccinelli has managed to do
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that. lou: focus on that issue and ignore the other issues? women tend to be people who feel strongly about reproductive rights will feel single issue on that issue. and it really -- it hurts he also has a spoiler candidate to the right of him. that is also going to camp complicate. >> a libertarian picking up 8 points, maybe a last minute dial, we're coming right back with the a-team, andlou dobbs tonight," check us out on twitter. and facebook page., health care manufacturer johnson & johnson, considers -- making a $2 million mistake. stay with us, we're coming right back. this is the quicksilver cash back card from capital one.
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lou: johnson & johnson agreeing to pay $2 .2 billion to settle allegations in fraud of kick kickbacks, town played serious health risks and paid doctors to get them to rescribe medication. >> back with the a-team we turn to group another group in washington, judy, that is promoting amnesty. this group essential worker immigration coalition. they are made up offe food industry, meat institute, health care association, associated builders and contractors landscape, nursery and landscape sobering aingsober eyeing, and -
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-- sobering ing--soberration. >> they are right there is a mismatch. the number of people who really want work that -- >> so, our government and you, is answer is to 20 million people out of work, leave them where they are bring in another 3 million a year. in guest worker programming and more, 4 1/2 million a year, that does not take long to add up, what are we doing here, that is a crazy solution. >> it may be a solution, which you may not have if you don't go along with immigration reform, the problem is we have the mismatch. lou: wait a minute -- that is
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malarky. i say generally, wages are declining in construction, in leisure and hospitality, they are declining in the landscape industry. economic teaches us without question, that if in a shortage of labor, these wages will rise. if there a surplus they will fall. they have fallen. there is a shortage, and this is an effort to gets more cheap labor, hank? >> i agree. i think it will knock down the value of those jobs, i think this will knock down the income of a lot of people. there is an argument, something you said, there is not as clear as we would like it to be but americans don't want those jobs but, as they fill them. numbers get knocked down, the jobs become less valuable, americans need to get up, get to work, and make country work at every level. lou: matt is there a way in
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which we perceive republican party is descra desperate to get comprehensive immigration reform done, snap up that senate "gang of 8" bill, push aside what the house is doing, which i support fully, what the house is doing, congressman bob goo? >> i think, one problem we have in this debate, is that when big business weighs, in says sim break reform will be going says that immigration reform will be good for us, a lot of people say, is it good for the country? a majority of people believe thatture immigration policies matches our economy need for economy growth. lou: all right. >> that is the balance we have to strike. lou: over 20 million people out of work, under employed, app
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education system not working almost 50 million people on food stamps, are you kidding me? how do you make sense out of that for amnesty. >> i did not say that. lou: i know can you? >> no, i cannot, bottom line is that -- i think that bottom line that is only way it gets done. lou: matt, a reasonable fellow, will you come back soon. >> thank you. lou: thank you so much judy, and now matter your contentious nature. up next, new book, extortion how capitol hillfieds off of your money, some buy votes, others ending up in our elected official's pockets? author peter schweizer is joining me next. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watcover all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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lou: millions of us so seeing health care plans canceled. our next guest said that obama fundraisers and cronies will be making millions off of the failed roll out. joining us. author of new york time bestseller, extortion. peter good to have you with us. how are politicians making out on this train wreck? >> well, you know, the thing we have to recognize they are creative, and they find ways to maximize their position, those of biggest supporters.
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have you a circumstance here, where you know millions of americans lose their healthcare coverage, they having difficulty finding out what coverage is available, yet people are well positioned to do well financially, these connects are made by financiers business owners, bundlers for the president, they have made a nice way to profit from mandates that obamacare created. this is the problem with crony capitalism. lou: making decisions, picking winners and losers without question. and telling the american people to go to hell when they are asked a question. we have no information on enrollment that over the course of you know -- well a month, that it has been, the best we have is there were 200 enroll am
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in two days -- enrollment in two days that is the end of our knowledge. how are we to react to this administration? >> i think outrage is necessary. but i don't think it can be outrage in a general sense. i think we have to learn lessons from this american people have to recognize when government says we'll take 15 to 20% of the economy, and we'll reconfigure it, trust u we know what we're doing, they are not half as smart as they think they are, they are complex economic systems, whether the problem were intended or unintended, the fact is you cannot be smart enough, no group of people can be smart enough to reconfigure a complex system like this without causing major disruptions. you knowry'sty is that the -- reality is ta disruptions go negative for those not connectioned in washington, d.c.
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lou: you mean create pain. >> yes. lou: for millions of americans. flesh and blood pain. turning -- as i was talking with matt, and judy and hank. this effort now, all of these organizations that have blossomed are lobbying the house to go to this senate amnesty legislation, your thoughts. food workers among leaders, fast-food chains, in pushing for amnesty, what are we watching happen here? >> well, it is basic supply and demand. if you are a company, you want to keep wages down. the way do you that by increasing labor supply, amnesty will be a boone to companies to keep labor costs down, it is ironic to here, the people pushing to increase minimum wage in united states are same people
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who say we' amnesty, you can cannot have both, if you increase labor supply that will hurt working class and middle class americans it will benefit the investment class, people involved with major corporations and own a lot of shares, they will make out well with amnesty. lou: peter, i said to hank wages are declining, not rising, and that is not reflective of -- as you know, not reflective of a scarce labor force that is an indication that labor is in surplus. and for people with a straight face to walk into washington d.c., is remarkable. >> it is a massive disservice to
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the american people. lou: i have to leave it there we're went seconds of saying good night, thank you peter. good night from new tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 trading inspires your life. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 life inspires your trading. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 where others see fads... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see opportunities. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 at schwab, we're here to help tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 turn inspiration into action. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 we have intuitive platforms tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to help you discover what's trending. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and seasoned market experts to help sharpen your instincts. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so you can take charge tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 of your trading. once wrote something on a sheet of paper and placed it in his factory for all to see. ♪ four simple words where the meaning has never been lost. the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered.
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11:00 pm
neil: is this health care mess about to make democrats really sick? we might know tomorrow. welcome i am neil cavuto, there is a reason why the presidenta pivoting to other issues like immigration, and hiking minimum wage this week. this health care thing of his is looking weak, so weak some analyst say that president is trying to divert voters attention. whether it will do much to ease voter angst over the new laws is anyone's guess, your guess it will have mora more of an impacn


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